Assalamualaikum and very good evening you all :)
Did you know that,
there was no way to prevent everyone from falling in love or to be a romantic person..
Yes, its very true..
There is no specific duration or age in life for people to be romantic..
Romance is not meant only to young adults or teenagers, but older people too..
Age is no barrier for romance, in fact some young adults do envy older couple
who still holds each other hands while walking..
Am I right? How you wish you'll be like that when you're older huh? :)
Early morning when I left the house, I saw my neighbour hanging her clothes..
As usual, women did the job. But this time around, the hubby was beside her and helped..
It is hard to see husband and wife doing house chores at the same time,
helping each other especially when both are working..
As usual, women did the job. But this time around, the hubby was beside her and helped..
To me that is very very ROMANTIC.
It is hard to see husband and wife doing house chores at the same time,
helping each other especially when both are working..
Wife cooking, husband watching TV.. Wife washing dishes, husband continue watching TV..
Sounds like you huh? Hehe.
Sometimes they can't even wash their own plate. Terasa ke? ;P