Swearing words was a bad habit

Assalamualaikum bloggers.. (gosok-gosok mata). 

Tiba-tiba teringat suatu tazkirah yang suatu ketika dahulu Mieya dengar melalui corong radio buruk.. Lepas itu terus terasa nak share dengan semua tentang kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat.. Waitwait, masih ada ke yang nak dengar? #tiadasiapamenjawab okey shut up.

Sama ada korang sedar ataupun tidak, dalam kehidupan seharian kita, perkataan BUDUH,BUNGUK,BA** adalah perkara biasa yang seringkali terluncur keluar dari mulut sesiapa sahaja.. lagi-lagi bila time marah,  haa mulalah tersembur perkataan ajaib tu.. Bangga je ba** bila dengar orang dok sebut-sebut nama dia..

FYI, that was just like a swearing words that may have an adverse effect for someone's life.. 

'Swearing words' means : 'ayat menyumpah'..

My dad said if we used a lot of swear word it will be bad.. Bad to the person who use it and bad for the people who hear or read it.. Absolutely correct!  Contoh terdekat yang boleh kita ambil ialah  'bloggers dan 'facebookers that commonly use the words like fuck, shit, and other 'menyumpah' words..

Since kids, we taught to talk like that in community even some parents says the words to their kids.. Not acceptable, me too.. My dad and my mom sometimes advise me to avoid this awful habit especially in my writing in blog..

The problem is all people around me always like to swear and sometimes the words come out flawlessly from their mouth without feeling sorry to other people that hear it.. Makes me join together with this bad habit that obviously  bad for my future kids.. *dreaming to have cute-cute kids with my future husband..

Please stop using swearing word before you get your own swearing words!